PS - as always click on the photos to see larger versions!
And to see some great bird photos from around the world, check out:

The reason being, I really need to get back in the saddle of writing. I actually feel a little bit guilty that I've not been writing much on the blog - or even just posting photos - for several months now. It's not that I haven't had anything to share, just that I think the blogging muse has left for greener pastures, leaving me on my own with little inspiration to sit down and write.
I do plan to soon start actually writing a bit about our recent trip to Ecuador, but it won't be nearly as expansive as my Costa Rica report (I hear some of you breathing a sigh of relief) as I really didn't keep notes as well on this trip as I had before. There were some real definite highlights on this trip - seeing 30 species of hummingbirds, finally getting good looks at Rufous Motmot, a number of woodpeckers (of course), Giant Antpittas, Cocks-of the-Rock, and both Pamela and I passed the 1000 species mark while on the trip. (A little more about those later when I talk more about the trip.) Oh, and the photos - I took lots and lots of photos! In fact, the shutter on my camera clicked OVER 6600 times! Of course, I cam home with less than half that, and in the last few weeks since we got home, I've been spending almost all my computer time sortng through those, deleting duplicates, ones that are slightly out-of-focus, and post-processing the ones that I think are the best (or maybe the best that I got of a species that I'll want to share).
And just as a bit of bait to tempt you back (and for those of you who might not know what one is), here is one of my Giant Antpitta photos...