This evening I received an e-mail from my friend Mark who just recently returned from leading a private birding tour to Arizona, and included this fantastic photo of a Gilded Flicker:

Photo ©Mark Suomala, 2008
Note the grey on the head with the red malar stripe and the gold in the tail feathers (which is in the wings as well) - all the field marks for this beautiful bird. It reminds me of my "life" Gilded Flicker that I had with Mark some years back at Patagonia State Park in SE Arizona. I've known him a few years now and have had some great birding experiences with him - he is a great birder and a really excellent guide! One of the great things about birding with Mark is that he doesn't just know the birds, but really knows gets into the entire ecology of an area. He knows the birds, mammals, plants, history etc. I think that as much as he loves the birds, he really likes to make the tours he leads a more encompassing nature tour - and I think that anybody who birds with him appreciates that knowledge. I know I do! I've gone with him to SE Arizona, Delmarva, Appledore Island off the coast of NH, and various other places in NH, and I always learning with him. Keep an eye on his web site: http://www.marksbirdtours.com/ and get on one of his trips if you can. I haven't had a chance to travel internationally yet with him, but hope to someday (either Iceland which he really loves, or Africa)