Although I am an early riser (show me a birder that isn't), I don't usually get any birding in on weekday mornings because the earlier I am up, the earlier I come in to work to try to get things done before the phones start ringing, and things get hectic. I swear that the two hours before most people show up are the most productive of my day. Unfortunately, since I am a salaried minion, it means I put in 50+ hours a week, but get paid for 40. Oh well, it's the price you pay for having the flexibility. (It also means that I don't feel too guilty about leaving a few minutes early if a 'good' bird is posted to one of the list-servs.)
This morning I decided that I would get in to work 'late' (7:20) and stop at Horn Pond for a little while to see if I could get a photo or two of the Prairie Warblers that we saw during the birdathon. It was a little cool still and things were a little slow. Most active was an immature Indigo Bunting that was just belting it out.