Just some snapshots of who is visiting the feeders these days. Nothing terribly exciting, just your average everyday feeder birds in an office park. (There are also the ubiquitous House Sparrows, and I do have a few pics, but haven't bothered to upload them.) Mourning Dove are always on the ground below the feeders.
Black-capped chickadees stop in pretty regularly.
The goldfinches know that the thistle sock is there for them.
The Red-winged Blackbirds were a bit of a surprise. There are three that stop in every day.
The nuthatches are also regular at the peanut feeder.
Of course, the Downy Woodpeckers are the main reason I have feeders up at all. I've only once seen a Hairy here in the years that I've had the suet and peanut feeders out there, but I keep hoping that someday they'll come. (Or maybe even a Red-bellied...)
I know most of my Downies by their head pattern, but I've also been able to distinguish patterns of behavior for most that allows me know recognize them even if I can't see the head pattern. This particular fellow likes to hang out and eat from the bottom of the peanut feeder. I think I've noticed him at the suet only once or twice.