Wow, what a day. I have been waiting for today all week, as a Northern Hawk Owl had been seen almost daily in Center Harbor, NH which is about 2 hours north of Boston. Pam and I had a meeting at 10am, but had planned to pick up Paul & Diana after and head up to see the bird. Diana had seen Northern Hawk Owl before in Finland, and I did a few years ago in Montreal, but I simply couldn't say no to another, especially one that (from the reports) was very accommodating - not to mention it was a life bird for both Pamela and Paul. As we were approaching the town where the owl was, we got a call from our friend Linda that an Ivory Gull had been spotted at Eastern Point in Gloucester. At this point, we were not going to skip the owl (would you?) and continued on our way. Soon we were parked in the line of cars of birders and photographers. The owl was every bit as accommodating as the reports as noted.
At first the owl was perched on a telephone wire where I go the above pic, but soon flew to another favorite perch, where it remained the rest of the time we stayed.

At first the owl was perched on a telephone wire where I go the above pic, but soon flew to another favorite perch, where it remained the rest of the time we stayed.
Even at temperatures of about 8°f I would've stayed for longer than 45 minutes if it weren't for the temptation of an Ivory Gull that was only about 2 hours away (and only 40 minutes from home). So after a quick pit-stop to fill up the tank, we were off to Gloucester. At just about 4pm, under skies that were getting greyer with each passing moment, we arrived at Eastern Point. We stepped out of the car, and one of the most beautiful gulls I have seen was standing on the ice about 40 ft. away from us.
More pics here.
Not only a spectacular bird, but a lifer for all of us and ABA bird #605 for me.
Now I just hope they all stick around through next weekend when Partick, Corey, Quintus, and Nate are here for the Superbowl of Birding!