If you've read some of my previous posts, you know that I've not managed to get a lot of birding in, and with my on-line galleries being off-line for a bit of time, I hadn't posted any pics in a bit. Well, the galleries are back on-line, and due to some unfortunate health concerns, I find myself at home today instead of work. While not feeling completely up to writing a lot, I wanted to post some photos from the last few weeks... nothing spectacular here - just making an effort to keep the ol' blog going for when I do have more exciting things to post (like the upcoming Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival in November, a potential trip to Costa Rica in the spring, and a trip to Peru next year with Gunnar of Kolibri Expeditions - lots more to follow soon on that last item!)
The first few photos I took a few weekends back while enjoying both birds and sculpture at the Decordova Museum with Mark Lynch and Sheila Carroll

And here are a few pics from the last time we visited Plum Island. I don't expect to be seeing these beautiful Great Egrets for too much longer this year...

And haven't seen these guys in a while, but last Saturday afternoon there were quite a few Merlins on the island - though never in quite the right light for photography...

That's it for now. There are a lot of great rarities in the area that I was hoping to get to see & photograph (Fork-tailed Flycatcher on the cape, Bell's Vireo in NH, Pink-footed Goose in ME) but the weekend doesn't look too promising. If I do though - you can be sure that I'll be blogging about it!!!