Ruffed Grouse - Bonasa umbellus
Up until this Sunday, pretty much every Ruffed Grouse experience that I'd ever had consisted of one of two scenarios. I'd heard (and felt) them drumming but was not able to find the bird, or I'd only see a feathered butt exploding into the woods, as I was recovering from a minor heart attack after it had flushed from within a few feet from where I'd been walking. (They can be notoriously hard to see, and tend not to flush right away.) This weekend while birding with some friends locally, we were treated to long looks at a very confiding Ruffed Grouse. I don't think there are any breeders in the area where this bird could have escaped from, but it was certainly pretty curious about us. And frankly, we didn't complain - it's not often you can get a look like this at what can be a pretty skittish bird..
PS - as always click on the photos to see larger versions!
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