Well, if you are a regular reader of this blog (wait,
are there any regular readers of this blog?) then you will no doubt have noticed the distinct lack of posts in the last few weeks. This part of New England has been in the grip of successive heat waves, which frankly, have made it rather undesirable for me to get outside to bird for any period of time. (Don't know if it's just me getting older, or if it's something to do with medical condition or the associated meds - but I'm finding the heat much more difficult to deal with these days.) Also, a planned trip to Machias Seal Island was completely scuttled by predicted bad thunderstorms for the weekend we were scheduled to go, so I've just had nothing interesting to post for a while. We did brave the excessive heat (and I paid for it after) for a number of hours on Saturday morning at Plymouth Beach. Nothing unexpected, but the large number of breeding Least and Common Terns made for a nice exercise in photography. The photo that begins this post has a tern chick in it - can you find it? The next three photos are Least Terns:

I am not sure how many Common Terns there were, but suffice to say there were clouds of them when a Peregrin Falcon came through the colony. With so many in flight, I thought it a good opportunity to practice birds in flight shots...
Sometimes you have an itch that you just can't wait to scratch...
Standard flight shot...
OK, maybe not a flight shot, but nice lighting...
And last, but not least, one of my favorite shots of the day...
PS - as always click on the photos to see larger versions!
To see some great bird photos from around the world, check out: