Friday, November 19, 2010
Gone birding!
Yep - we are packed and pretty much ready to go on our latest trip. We are joining Tropical Birding for an Andes Introtour on the northwest slope of said mountain range in Ecuador. We'll be staying at the 'built, owned and run by birders' Tandayapa Bird Lodge and visiting some amazing locations like Yanacocha, the Mindo Cloudfores Preserve in Milpe, Rio Salanche, and Refugio Paz de Aves - home of Maria the Giant Antpitta who (often) responds to the sound of Angel Paz calling her by name and feeding her worms (as well as other antpittas and a Cock-of-the-Rock lek.) I love the tropics and cannot begin to relate how excited I am for this trip.
All I can say is, be ready for a lot of posts and photos when I return!