Well, spring migration has pretty much wrapped up here in New England. The birds moving through to their breeding grounds in the northern boreal forests have done so. But that doesn't mean the birding stops - we still have plenty of local breeders that are fun to see and photograph. I've enjoyed some great experiences in the last week or so including watching a pair of adult Barred Owls feeding three owlets this past Friday around dusk. I managed precious few photos, but this one came out pretty well considering the circumstances.
But as you can probably tell from the title of this post, this isn't just to share an owl pic. Yesterday I was treated to great views of a Least Bittern for a full 5 minutes. Although I have seen these birds well in the past, they have always been a scope bird, remaining safely distant from both people and the length of my lens. This bird was a bit more confiding.
PS - as always click on the photos to see larger versions!
And to see some great bird photos from around the world, check out: