Monday, July 7, 2008

No birding this weekend & random thoughts...

Pamela's birthday was this (holiday) weekend, and we spent time visiting my parents in NY. No real effort at birding was done, other than the constant awareness of the birds around me. I notice that I still pepper my conversations with IDs as I make them in my head...

ME: "So, the wedding plans are coming along well.(cardinal) We're meeting with the (chipping sparrow)DJ again next weekend to talk about the processional (killdeer) music, and we need to decide this week about (crow) which flavor we are going to make the cake. Hey, I just heard a Chimney Swift - there it goes!"

Whoever I am speaking to (assuming they are not a birder): "Wait... what? You being married by a cardinal, DJ Sparrow is providing the music, you plan on sacrificing a deer, and eating crow-flavored cake?!??"

I expect that many birders do this, which probably helps to spread the perception that we are just a little bit 'off'. And, let's face it, some of us, really are. I can't speak for all birders, but I have to admit to being a bit more than fanatical about it. That's one nice thing about birding as a hobby -you can enjoy it at any level you please, from watching the birds in your backyard and never really knowing much about them other than the joy the bring you , to the big-listers who try to see as many species as possible in their life, the year, the month, a certain location, etc.

I do like the fact that my excitement and enjoyment of birds seems to be contagious - family, friends, and co-workers are always telling me about something they saw in their yard, or on the golf course, or on vacation, or a program on TV, or an article in the newspaper. People that I know that don't have any great interest in nature are stopping me to share some experience that they've had. "Hey, I thought of you this weekend - I saw this big bird, I mean it was huge!"
So hey, I have no problem being the "Bird nut", "Birdman", or whatever else you can come up with - if it continues to spark an interest in others, it can only be for good.

I'm going to go and have a slice of that crow cake. Mmm-mmm!