Friday, October 2, 2009

Some photos... just because

If you've read some of my previous posts, you know that I've not managed to get a lot of birding in, and with my on-line galleries being off-line for a bit of time, I hadn't posted any pics in a bit. Well, the galleries are back on-line, and due to some unfortunate health concerns, I find myself at home today instead of work. While not feeling completely up to writing a lot, I wanted to post some photos from the last few weeks... nothing spectacular here - just making an effort to keep the ol' blog going for when I do have more exciting things to post (like the upcoming Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival in November, a potential trip to Costa Rica in the spring, and a trip to Peru next year with Gunnar of Kolibri Expeditions - lots more to follow soon on that last item!)

The first few photos I took a few weekends back while enjoying both birds and sculpture at the Decordova Museum with Mark Lynch and Sheila Carroll

A young Chipping Sparrow
Northern Parula - one member of a mixed flock of migrating warblers that day.
This Palm Warbler was another fall migrant, this time seen while birding with Paul and Diana at Horn Pond last weekend. The fall warblers certainly seem much less interested in showing off (and getting their pics taken) than in the spring. Much harder (for me at least) to get good pics.

And here are a few pics from the last time we visited Plum Island. I don't expect to be seeing these beautiful Great Egrets for too much longer this year...

And haven't seen these guys in a while, but last Saturday afternoon there were quite a few Merlins on the island - though never in quite the right light for photography...

That's it for now. There are a lot of great rarities in the area that I was hoping to get to see & photograph (Fork-tailed Flycatcher on the cape, Bell's Vireo in NH, Pink-footed Goose in ME) but the weekend doesn't look too promising. If I do though - you can be sure that I'll be blogging about it!!!
