Monday, March 22, 2010

A little bit about me before I get into the Costa Rica posts

Well, it's been quite a while since I've added much to the blog.  There was the Superbowl of Birding back in January, and that provided some great content for a little while - but other than that, my posts have been random, few and far between. There are some good reasons for this... a general lull in birding this winter (don't get me wrong, I do love our New England winter regulars like all the ducks, and Snowy Owls - not to mention the occasional rare visitor like an Ivory Gull) rarely motivated me to write.  Also, just as autumn was passing into winter I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, so much of my cognitive powers have been directed more towards dealing with that and all its attendant tests, consultations, trying to get the meds and side effects straightened out, etc.  I've also spent a lot of time contemplating how this is going to affect my future - but more importantly, what I can do so that it does NOT prevent me from living my life on my terms.  The good thing is that we seem to have caught early, I have a good support team in my neurologist and MS nurse, not to mention the great support from friends, family and especially my lovely wife, Pamela.  Frankly, I've given it some thought, and it's really not something that I have any interest in blogging about (beyond this one explanation), nor do I mention it to fish for sympathy (in fact, I am going to turn off comments for this post!)

All that being said, there are going to be some great things on the blogging horizon.  We just spent 13 nights in Costa Rica, so there is plenty of material to work with, and I've got tons of photos to go through and share, so stay tuned!