Monday, May 18, 2009

Bird Photography Weekly #38

Blackburnian Warbler - Dendroica fusca

Every year, I take May 15th off from work to go birding as a little birthday present to myself. Usually my goal is to try and find a Cape May warbler, and I have been successful for 4 out of the last 6 years. This year was not one of those "success" years, but instead, I was able to witness something I had not ever seen in my comparatively short birding career, that made up for the miss. Plum Island seemed to be crawling with Blackburnian Warblers! I manage to see a few each year, usually only one at a time, but this day, I saw more Blackburnian Warblers than any other except Yellow Warblers - at times seeing as many as 3-4 in one tree. It was really quite a treat!

To see some great bird photos from around the world, check out: