Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hey! You said no more Prairie Warblers!

Wait just a gosh darn minute!
You said just yesterday that you wouldn't post any more photos of me!

Well, I said that I wouldn't post any more unless I got something really good...

And, well... I got what I think are probably my best photos yet yesterday evening of this bird. And of course, some more photos of the Indigo Bunting that is still transitioning into it's adul plumage. SO, no more after this of these two birds. I'm not even going to go back to this spot again this year. I will find other birds to photograph!

Showing a bit of the color on it's back...

Close-up and singing

Can't get much closer than this...

I like how some of the blue primaries have come in and others haven't yet...

Just as pretty as a full adult...