Ivory Gull - Pagophila eburnea
Rarely a bird found outside of the arctic circle (see range map here), this gorgeous little gull was delighting birders and photographers alike this weekend at Race Point in Provincetown, MA. It's a bird like this than could really make a birder into a larophile - not only is it a rare and beautiful gull with it's snow-white plumage, yellow-tipped blue-grey bill, and black legs and feet - it is also incredible cooperative for those wishing to see it. You didn't really have to look hard for the bird (it stood out like a beacon) and it is completely unconcerned about people. Those that were there to see the bird didn't feel the need to try to approach closer for better looks or photos - you just sat down on the beach, and with a little patience, the bird would just walk past you, often within 10' as it picked its way along the wrack line.
Interestingly, this is the second year in a row that it is being seen in Massachusetts. Last year, there was an adult found first in Gloucester, MA which was amazing enough - then a SECOND one was spotted in Plymouth, MA.
PS - as always click on the photos to see larger versions!
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