Monday, February 1, 2010

Hey Ma! I'm famous!

OK, perhaps not famous - but I was selected to be a featured blog over at the Nature Blog Network Blog, so if you haven't had enough of my babbling over here - be sure to click over and show them some love too.

For those of you hoping for a Superbowl of Birding update, well... stay tuned!  I hope to have a summary up later this evening after work.  I will say that we walked away with an award this year - the "Essex County Excels" award for the most number of points in Essex County only, and I am pretty sure that we made it through the weekend without losing any souls.  (Though I am hesitant to do a count of fingers and toes....)

ALSO, (and I cannot emphasize this enough) be sure to check out my teammates blogs for their takes on the weekend too.  There is a lot of great birding and writing talent again on this year's team, so you definitely will want to see what these guys are going to post!
And just in case you don't remember who they are:
Corey of 10000 Birds
Nate of the Drinking Bird (and the Nature Blog Network)
John from DC Birding Blog
Andrew, the Birding Dude
Mike from the Feather and the Flower