Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to...

Roger Tory Peterson.

Of course, if you are a birder reading this blog (and I expect most of you are) you already know that today is the 100th anniversary of his birthday.

There are a lot of very well written blogs out there discussing his life and work this month, and today in particular. And frankly, adding my voice to the choir of hymns being sung, would be nothing more than a drop in the ocean.

I can say that I have read the biographies that have come out recently, as well as "All things Reconsidered" which is a collection of his writings edited by Bill Thompson III (of Bird Watcher's Digest and "Bill of the Birds" fame) and have got my copy of the newly published Field Guide to the Birds of North America (as well a handful of his other guides.)
I enjoy his writing, the field guide is excellent, and the biographies are well written and provide a window to the world of the man who helped make birding, and it's popularity, what it is today.

So... Happy Birthday Roger, and thanks!