Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend stuff and yet more Mississippi Kite photos

With our wedding and honeymoon coming up (in only 13 days now), my weekends are a little less "bird-oriented" and a little more wedding focused. Things around here are a bit slow bird-wise. I know that there are shorebirds about, and fall warblers are beginning to move through - but I have to be honest, those are probably my two least favorite birding options. I still struggle with the fall warblers, and do not get a big thrill out of trying to puzzle out a quiet drab warbler. And as for shorebirds, (and I expect that this will change as the years pass) , but I'm not at the point where I like standing on the beach in the blazing sun going through hundreds of peeps trying to find the rarity. I do make a few outings each year and try to pick up my yearly shorebirds - a few trips to Plum Island, one or two trips to South Beach. But once I've had my fill from those few days, it's hard to get me back out there.
Of course, that is not to say that I didn't get any birding in this weekend.
The Mississippi Kites that nested in Newmarket NH (and who I've blogged about more that I planned) are still around and the chick has not fledged yet. It's such a rare event to have them here that I feel drawn to them, trying to see them as often and as well as possible. I know that this past weekend was my last opportunity, as next weekend will be filled with wedding-related stuff, and the weekend after that is the wedding itself. (I'll go into the wedding and honeymoon on another post.) So Sunday morning I went to see them for the last time for about an hour. As I said, the chick has not fledged yet and the parents are still bringing in food. It looks like it is ready too, and hopefully they will all be safely on their way south soon.