Monday, March 3, 2008

Back from California

So I got in at 1:15am, got a few hours sleep, and am now back at work.

Many birds seen (approx. 150 sp.), several species photographed (approx. 30 sp.), and 20 life birds added to the list. (Woo-hoo!)

Much more to follow when I've had some time to recover, review, and retouch.
I'll update with photos at my pBase page when I can, and try to put together a trip report soon.

Many, many, many thanks to Alison & Allan for opening their home to me, and showing me around. I quite simply wouldn't have been able to do this trip, or see so many birds without their help! You guys are the best!

I'm going to add a video here that may be a little dark, but this bird was one of the highlights of the trip for me...