Monday, September 29, 2008

Bird Photography Weekly 9/29/08

Red Crossbill

Eddie over at Birdfreak, the Bird Conservation Blog, a few weeks ago, started encouraging bloggers to post a photo of a bird a week and linking to his site for the purpose of:

"What better way to promote birds and bird conservation than by featuring a cornucopia of wonderful bird photos? Thus, we encourage you to join the weekly excitement of Bird Photography Weekly."

To be perfectly frank, as much as I love reading about birds all over the world when I'm stuck behind the computer, I enjoy looking at great bird photography that much more. An added benefit it that I've also found a few more blogs that I'd not stumbled across yet.
So if you are interested in seeing some great bird photos, follow the link - and add one of your own photos each week. There is no reason that this can't be as big as a "Wordless Wednesday" or "Skywatch Friday"