Saturday, September 27, 2008

Celebratory post

So I was just checking my stats and noticed that I hit two plateaus on my blog recently.
Yesterday's 'Skywatch Friday' post was my 100th post to the blog since I started it earlier this year. (Actually started it in 2007 with a single post then promptly did nothing with it for another year) And today I had my 2000th SiteMeter 'visit' since I put the counter on the page.

Now I know that compared to many of the excellent bloggers out there who update daily (and some several times a day) and are extremely talented writers and post amazing photos, this may not seem like much of a landmark. But to me, this is pretty exciting. I wasn't sure I'd ever get that many people visiting. (or that I'd actually keep up with it!) And for those that did, I wasn't sure after finding this page that anybody would come back. I'm glad to see that at least a few of you come by regularly to see what is going on in my neck of the blogsphere. Hopefully I've managed a post or two with an image that you like.

(And, if you've come here looking for Madonna's brother, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I just happen to share his name - no relation otherwise!)

Excuse me, what's that?
Oh, "why the photo of the owl?" you ask.
Just because I like it and I thought you might too!