Friday, January 30, 2009

Woodpecker Weekly Roundup 1/30/09

Weekly Woodpecker Roundup

Well this week's roundup is going to be short - I've had a pretty busy week at work, and my "web surfing" time (i.e. lunch breaks) have been taken up with blogging about the past weekend, as well as researching birding on Trinidad and Tobago where I will be heading next week.

That is not to say that there weren't any woodpecker related blog posts out there that crossed my radar.

Tom over at Mon@archs Nature Blog had a great post on Sunday about what woodpeckers eat.
(NOTE: at the time of publishing this post, I was having difficulty getting this page to load, but I am keeping the link here in hopes of the problem being fixed soon - it really is a great post, so if it doesn't work, please try checking it again later!)

Connie at Birds O' The Morning lives in the area of the US where both yellow-shafted and red-shafted forms of Northern Flicker occur, and posted about the intergrades that she sees (and photographs with her Wingscpes BirdCam) in her yard and how she identifies them.

Eva at The Flying Mullet watched Red-bellied Woodpeckers excavate a nest cavity, and has now seen Red-bellied babies.

Kelly of Red and the Peanut posted some superb photos of a Red-bellied Woodpecker defending it's favorite from a starling.

Sharon the Birdchick encountered 4 endangered species in one day while at the SpaceCoast Birding Festival - one of which was a Red-cockaded Woodpecker. She posted a pic of the bird as well as a nifty pic of a cross section of a cavity (from a tree that came down in a storm that is used for display now)

And Kyle from As the Mind Wanders made it in just under the wire this morning to get his third mention in a row on the WWR (not that he's trying mind you, but I still enjoy those posts) with a Red-bellied Woodpecker that he found trying different materials for drumming resonance.

That's it for this week. Next week I'll be away, but plan to have a post of cool woodpecker links that you can check out while I am gone.

And, as always, if you have some cool info or a post about woodpeckers, drop me a line - I'd love to know about it.