Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Common Pondhawk

Those of you that are used to my posting mostly about birds might be forgiven for thinking that this post is about some exotic raptor... maybe.

No this week looks like it's going to be Odonate week here at the Picus Blog. Like many other birders, I am fascinated with other aspects of nature as well, and it is not uncommon to find me crawling on the ground to get a better look (or photo) of some insect. At this time of the year, by mid-morning it's getting to hot for most self-respecting New England birds to be singing, much less sitting out in the sun (shorebirds aside)- but that seems to be about the time that the dragonflies start becoming more active. Over the last several days I've been lucky enough to get a few more photos that I am happy with (and a few that I'm less than thrilled with too.)

So without any more blathering, allow me to present Mrs. Erythemis Simpliciollic.

Female Common Pondhawk

Stay tuned - there are more dragonflies to come...